
This institutional portal was developed according to accessibility principles and in compliance with Law 9 of January 2004, n. 4  ("Legge Stanca" - Provisions to facilitate access of disabled people to IT tools") relating to Public Administration sites.

Furthermore, the accessibility recommendations provided by the World Web Consortium (W3C) were followed, with which the site is perfectly compliant, both in structure and in style sheets. In the design, the guidelines of the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative, a branch of the W3C which deals with accessibility issues and which has developed the guidelines to encourage and improve access to content on the web; these are the so-called WCAG) were taken into account - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines allows you to obtain three different levels of accessibility indicated by the WAI (A, AA, AAA). Currently, this site reaches level A, but also meets numerous priorities included in level AA and AAA.

Text size

The text can be increased or decreased in size to make it easier to read for users with visual impairments. Furthermore, since the measurement properties of the texts are proportional, each user can enlarge or reduce the texts on the page as desired.

Navigation aids

On all pages of the site, there is a horizontal navigation menu that indicates the user's position within the structure and the title of the current page. The indication is hypertextual and with a simple click on the text of the navigation menu, you can proceed backwards between the pages. In the vertical navigation menu, the active layer appears in a different color so you can recognize it. The "Print" button is also available within the articles, which opens a printable version of the page.

Accessibility over time

Making a website accessible is a challenging path that goes from design to maintenance: achieving the maximum usability possible, over time, is an ambitious and necessary goal. We invite you to report to us, using the email addresses at the bottom of the portal, any inaccuracies or contents that are not perfectly accessible, so that we can verify them.

Feedback mechanism: for any problems encountered, users can send a report to the following certified e-mail

Content not accessible

Some files (for example attachments to pages in PDF format, etc.) and some pages that integrate data from external sources have not been created according to accessibility criteria and may not be correctly usable. Where it is possible to intervene, we will ensure that they are brought into compliance.

Documents and links

Accessibility declaration year 2021
Accessibility declaration year 2022
Accessibility declaration year 2023