Archaeological introduction

Archaeological introduction

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mattis erat at imperdiet pulvinar. Aenean lacus justo, lacinia vel fringilla eu, tempor vehicula lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mattis erat at imperdiet pulvinar. Aenean lacus justo, lacinia vel fringilla eu, tempor vehicula lectus. Ut porta dui leo, tempus gravida nibh ultricies non. Nullam mattis scelerisque nisl, sit amet feugiat sapien posuere sed. Donec facilisis suscipit lacus non scelerisque. Integer sit amet lorem volutpat, iaculis erat nec, tincidunt eros. Suspendisse pretium arcu et orci mollis iaculis. Quisque non arcu in ex rutrum dapibus sit amet sed mauris.

In ultricies tellus luctus dui faucibus dignissim. Donec libero quam, feugiat eget euismod a, porta vel nunc. Aliquam quis mollis elit. Cras tincidunt feugiat vestibulum. Pellentesque libero felis, sodales ac odio ac, laoreet ullamcorper leo. Nulla facilisi. Nunc sapien velit, semper eget enim vel, dictum blandit nulla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean tempus ante eu ante gravida tristique. Nulla porttitor scelerisque leo scelerisque volutpat. Vestibulum tempus ut eros viverra bibendum. Sed finibus nisi in leo congue, vitae porttitor nulla scelerisque. Donec sit amet diam eget tellus aliquam placerat rutrum quis tellus. Nam placerat tincidunt pretium.

Mauris ac dignissim sem, eget suscipit arcu. Etiam sed semper tellus. Vivamus maximus eros sit amet porttitor sodales. Cras pellentesque at est a sodales. Curabitur rutrum diam sit amet neque ullamcorper mollis. Ut ut congue magna, vitae tristique massa. Suspendisse gravida lacus malesuada risus porttitor ultrices. Mauris malesuada lobortis leo non pharetra. Praesent tristique eget nibh ac blandit. In sed aliquet nunc, id vulputate nisi. Praesent eu leo vel nisi rutrum vestibulum. Cras eleifend, justo a varius ullamcorper, neque nisi pretium lectus, vitae mattis enim lectus nec augue. Maecenas consequat fringilla placerat.

The Castle

The Castle of Ugento, one of the most beautiful buildings in Salento, stands on the highest point of the city.

The Messapian city wall

The city walls of Ugento date back to the period of maximum expansion of the Messapian centre, around the middle of the 4th century BC. Their construction took place in a historical moment of great instability and conflict between the Messapian and Tarentini, even if at first the walls mainly responded to the desire of the urban aristocracy to define the urban perimeter and mark the distinction with the surrounding countryside

The necropolises of Ugento between the 6th and 1st centuries. B.C.

The oldest tombs tracking back to the Messapian settlement of Ugento, and whose grave goods are exhibited in the Museum, date back to the 6th century BC and consist of sarcophagus or coffin burials made of calcarenite slabs, which can also reach considerable dimensions with a so-called semi-chamber structure.

Ugento in Messapian, Roman and medieval times

Although sporadic finds allow us to hypothesise at least the presence of the site since the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods, there is some evidence of a first settlement on the top of the Ugento hill, corresponding to its southern part, which is now the historical centre, from the Late Bronze Age (12th-10th century BC)